Friday, October 24, 2008


Ah Koo felt happy when has fish was catch out by him

When they tired, they take a small rest

He spend whole day to enjoy interesting of fishing

Fishing actually is a new hobby and activities for me. I didn’t tried this activities before.

Before that, my friend always told me the interesting of fishing. My friend always showed me all pictures had been taken.

From our conversation, he had been told me about some experience when he and his friend fishing together. He told me first time he loves to fishing since he was a child. It is because her father always brought him fishing together.

He told me about an experience. Last few years, he first time fishing on Penang sea. Normally, he was fishing at pond near by his house. He told me that time he felt really excited. He was rent a small ship and fishing with some friends. Around 3 to 4 o’clock early morning, he and his friends were departing at the Penang Port.

When he was told me this experience, I feeling that he really excited on that time. He told me, fishing is not an easy job. We may need patient to waiting. Besides that, we also may not felt upset when didn’t catch any fish. It is because fishing is an activity enjoy that process. He also told me fishing sometimes may need some luck. It is because he has some experience that didn’t catch any fish although he was waiting for whole day.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Jabatan kecemasan yang bertempat di Pusat Kesihatan, UPM

Van kecemasan yang sedang menunggu arahan dari pihak atasannya

Hati yang tidak menyenangkan apabila berada di zon jabatan kecemasan

Dalam kehidupan seharian kita, kita sering tersinggung dengan pelbagai perasaan. Perasaan seperti gembira, sedih, takut, marah dan juga cemas. Perasaan cemas merupakan suatu perasaan yang amat gelisah. Kita tidak dapat tumpukan perhatian apabila kita cemas akan sesuatu keadaan.

Perasaan cemas sering berlaku dapat hati kita. Hal ini kerana kita sering berasa gelisah dan cemas akan sesuatu keadaan. Contoh seperti cemas semasa peperiksaan, cemas semasa memberi pengucapan, akan tetapi perasaan cemas ini dapat dielakkan sekiranya kita mempunyai keyakinan diri sendiri.

Akan tetapi, terdapat sejenis perasaan cemas yang tidak dikurangkan, iaitu perasaan cemas apabila berlakunya ketimpaan. Perasaan cemas ini bukan cemas akan diri sendiri, sebaliknya cemas akan keluarga, kawan kita dan orang tersayang kita.

Hospital merupakan satu tempat yang menyambut ketibaan nyawa baru, akan tetapi ia juga merupakan tempat yang berhadapan dengan kematian. Terdapat satu jabatan-‘Kecemasan’ sering menjadikan satu jabatan yang tidak menyenangkan hati kita.

Kita cemas, perasaan tersinggung apabila berada di jabatan kecemasan, hospital. Suasana dalam jabatan kecemasan biasanya dingin dan senyap. Perasaan ini pahit. Pahit bukan disebabkan suasana yang dingin, sebaliknya ia disebabkan perasaan kebimbangan yang terasanya.

Maka, jabatan kecemasan dalam hospital merupakan suatu tempat yang tidak disukai oleh kita. Hal ini kerana kita tidak berharap orang tersayang kita berlakunya apa-apa kemalangan. Kita juga tidak berharap berlakunya apa-apa kecelakaan, hal ini kerana kita keberatan meninggalkan orang tersayang kita. Selain itu, kita berharap orang tersayang kita tidak akan susah hati dengan kemalangan yang ditimpa oleh kita.

Bad Weather

Dark cloud appear on the beautiful sky

Wind blow loudly while dark cloud on the sky

Tractor drive fasted although wind blow loudly

Weather had been changed in few second

Weather always affect my mood when I’m traveling.

Last afternoon, I’m traveling from Kuala Lumpur to my hometown – Penang. I’m felt very tried when I’m on the bus. It is because I didn’t slept well last night. Besides that, at the early morning I just complete one exam paper – Hubungan Etnik. Although I felt tried, I was not slept on the bus. When I was thinking my parents and my family members, my eyes were blinking. I hope the bus will arrive to my hometown on next second.

Suddenly, the sky was black. The beautiful cloud became darkness. I can’t sight the sunlight penetrate pane. A while, strong thunderclap shocking me. I tried bringing up the music from my MP4. Unfortunately, loudly thunderclap over them my MP4 music.

The sky was ‘cried’. It’s rainy when thunderclap. My emotion was pique. I felt uncomfortable when weather became bad.

Since I was child, I love rainy day. But when I was grow up, I always hope only have summer day in our country. Sunlight as a hope for me. When I was unhappy, sunlight sent me a hope. A hope about my perception to my life. So, I dislike darkness. I hate bad weather.


Nice view and freshness air in dam, Penang

Green florest in Penang Dam

Accommodation snails may be loss by human being

I'm felt fresh when I stand on the small mountain in Penang Dam

Green and blue is the most natural color for this world. But, the evolution of technology affect the ‘green’ and ‘blue’ had been changed.

Nowadays, we lost our home, we lost our natural home. Many animals lost its accommodation. The green leaf fade away, the blue sea became yellow color. What happen to our earth? Is it sick? What we have done?

Flora and fauna is very important to create a healthy environment to our young generation. But we throw something to pollute it. Green leaf, blue sea and white cloud disappear. All of this happens because of our human being.

We need to stop this! We need to act for this! We need to save our world!

Our government and NGO are the party who acting to save our country and try hard to release us from pollution. Government had been tried to avoid the pollution continuous. Although many parties were take part in this case, but only some places are free from pollution. When we need to breathe fresh air, we may need to go some places like dam, team garden or zoo.

I believe, ‘beautiful color’ of the world won’t be back if we may not act together. Every part of society should be responsible on this situation, nobody evan can free oneself from this charge.